Monday, September 12, 2005


Click on the bold text for details...

"'re doing a great job"...Bush, a few days ago praising then F.E.M.A "director" Micheal Brown. Who resigned today after a shit storm of questions about his character (padded resume, no experience in emergency matters) and his performance. So what exactly was this "great job" Bunnypants was refering to? The collective blowing of smoke up our asses? YES.

Blackwater mercenaries have deployed enmass to New Orleans to "maintain order". These are the same privately funded armies that have been engaged in black ops in Afghanistan and Iraq. They have been provided with all amenities the survivors of Katrina have not...Is there something wrong with this? YES. They are mercenaries...ex rangers and seals, heavily armed and patrolling our gulf coast. "Protecting us". Sure they are. Where did they come from and who invited them?

I couldn't find a link for it, but an elderly woman was tackled by police and forced onto a truck and "evacuated" from her home, despite the fact that it was not affected by the flooding. She was armed with a knife and a gun and adamantly refused to leave. She was tackled by law enforcement and forced from her home. I heard audio of this incident on several radio stations throughout the day. Curiously enough, I can't find a link to the story, albiet it was a half hearted effort on my part. I heard it people, take my word for it.

POLITICS-US: Pentagon Foresees Pre-emptive Nuclear Strikes What??? WHAT???
Read the article for details...if there was ever a case for removal of this asshole president and his cold war cronies, this is it. We can recall the cold war with the Soviets...they were communists, and while a lot of people beleive commies were an incredible threat to our way of life...communists had the collective and that ideology that didn't include the militant Islamic peoples hatred of our very core and a equally fervent desire to destroy us. The cold war was a stalemate for one primary reason...neither party wanted to be evaporated in a cloud of atomic dust.We simply waited the soviets out and outpaced them technologically until they ate themselves up with thier own bullshit;It's a simple explaination, but it's fact. The militants we are in conflict with now could give a shit...they are hellbent to destroy us and by our actions we are drawing them together into a national Islamic front that wouldn't hesitate to drop the bomb on us regardless of the consequences...that is if we are able to retaliate. The neo con mindset is "why wait? Lets hit 'em now and then we'll see about retaliation". Remember...Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Thier response? Surrender. Much better than incinerating us, and whether they are or not...they are making noises about it,Iran and North Korea anyway. This is truely some terrifying shit. And if your'e foolish enough to believe this could never happen, remember...Reagan and Bush the first provided them with the initial technology that has gotten them where they are today. Imagine that...we cut off our nose to spite our face and now look at us.
Really...LOOK at us.

I couldn't make this kind of shit up. I wish I could.

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