Thursday, April 11, 2019

Time flies...

I don't remember much of February other than it was dark and cold and I worked a lot.  The start of March was still cold, but I was so happy to see the sun rising sooner in the mornings.  Then daylight saving time rolled around and the clock change screwed that all up.  I was out of sorts and grumpy for weeks afterwards and it stayed cold.  It feels like April 1st was just a few days ago instead of ten, but I guess that is what happens when one spends their time working 10-15 hour workdays and working quite a bit on the weekends too. 

Although it sounds like it's been all work and no play, the band has started getting together on occasion to eat, drink, and be merry play music.  We usually kick things off in the late afternoon and then turn off the amplifiers and quiet the drums at 10 PM in the interest of sparing the new neighbor's small children a poor night's sleep.  At that point we switch to doing Karaoke and hilarity ensues since none of us are the slightest bit good at it. 

I also watched quite a bit of TV (Netflix & Amazon Prime) because I was too tired to do anything else after a long workday and thoroughly enjoyed shows I normally never would have watched.  Turns out "fluff" TV is pretty good for letting my brain unwind.   I read books too, on those days when my eyes weren't too tired from staring at a computer screen all day.  I probably read more books in the last three months than what I read in the five years prior.

And this weekend I'm finally taking off a few days and will be spending the time at a cabin in the woods with some friends.  I've got another friend who is going to house-sit for me and take care of my dogs so I'll have a few days where I'm on a REAL vacation! 

Well, break time is over for now so back to work until 9 PM, but after that - VACATION TIME!

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