Monday, October 18, 2004


But that's because I wasn't matched properly...or maybe the silence I've experienced in past relationships belied an agenda...I don't know. But I do know that I got tired of asking "what's wrong"? and "are you ok"? only to be led down a primrose path of psycho girl bullshit where somehow anything and everything was my fault (but I'm not offering you any details as to how this PMS is your piss off already, but you better not ignore my pouty boderline ways).
And I would soldier on, trying to make it "better" when the reality was, there was no "better" just a sick sick enjoyment in watching me squirm in a sea of fucked up womanhood.
And then there was Ann...early on in our relationship when she was distant or pensive, I would inquire, still struggling with the scars of the past, to make it "better" and guess what happened?
Ann (are you sitting down?) would tell me exactly what was going no uncertain terms.
And, as a bonus, if it had anything remotely to do with me, she would tell me.
Wait...there's more. Ann provides me with the same space and respect when I'm trying to sort something out.
She's amazing to me, really. And that makes it easy to not interfere, cause when she wants me to, she asks.

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