Friday, September 09, 2005


Being broke ass poor, despite Ann's penny pinching attempts at saving up some money, I was relegated to value shop for groceries. This is what I got for less that 25 dollars:
An 8 lb. bag of chicken leg quarters ( Ann is not a big fan of chicken, but come 68 cents a pound I will stretch my cooking imagination to make it agreeable to my better half's palate, and trust me...I can).
3 packages of flavored noodles @ 59 cents each.(store brand)
2 1 lb. tubes of 23% fat ground beef.(store brand)
1 package of spaghetti noodles ( store brand)
A jar of peanut butter and grape jelly ( brand)
A loaf of, you guessed brand bread.
2 Cans of store brand soup
Cello bag of carrots and a five pound bag of russet potatoes
A 20 pack of store brand tortillas
And finally...a store brand bag of chips.
And as far as my better half's palate...the chicken was marginal, but the noodles were "pretty good for 59 cent noodles" .
I guess I should forget about any iron chef aspirations...I can cook, but more often these days I feel like that cafe lady with the hairy ears.
Pretty boy's luck has jumped off me and on to someone else apparently, as my scratching has left me even with a sometimes in the hole record. This is shared by the other scratch heads in the group. Currently I have turned 10 into 7...not bad, I rationalize to myself. Surely a warning sign.
We are suddenly flush with meters... I bought one, Wolfie bought one at a pawn shop mainly because he thought it was made in california. As it turns out it was made in Taiwan. Mine was made in Thailand. Taiwan and Thailand took turns testing continuity today...Taiwan's beeps louder.
I could bitch and moan about lots of other things, but the fact remains that no one is listening, they have their own shit to deal with. And in the short run...the dogs still love us, we still love each other, and we still have a roof over our heads.
That's my America.
How's yours?

That's what I thought...Hang in there America

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