Friday, September 09, 2005


Hollered at the (apparently) reanimated vice pResident at a speaking engagement in Mississippi, followed up with a few fuck you Mr. Cheneys and a reporter casually asking if he'd heard a lot of this."First I've heard" was Darth cheneys response. You see, he's been on vacation in Wyoming and couldn't be bothered to return until now. There were reports that because of this experience, he cancelled his trip to New Orleans, where he could have been ( and should have been) drawn and quartered and fed to all the abandoned animals there as his flesh is not fit for human consumption. Here's a hardy go fuck yourself from us DICK (there's a good reason that's his first name). You make me sick.
I love it. Not the ongoing struggle along our gulf coast, but incidents like this...a citizen giving empire the what for. It's awesome. Apologists will say it's uncalled for and unpatriotic, I say it's about time. And long overdue.

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