Thursday, September 22, 2005


Is a big ass storm. She's been banging into that stationary front all day just looking for a hole to drive through. The air here has been changing all day. It's heavier, it smells different.
Current forcasts say Austin can expect 3 to 5 inches of rain and winds up to 65 mph. With the exception of the giant old cottonwood tree in our back yard that could get blown down and crush our house, I'm not worried...much. 3 to 5 is not a lot of rain, but if it comes fast and furious there could be some flooding.
OK...I'm worried. About Rita, and Katrina's lingering kiss, about a vulnerable NOLA. We're getting our asses kicked .
The response to Rita by the gub'ment would be impressive if it wasn't such a baldfaced attempt to bury the travesty that was the response to Katrina. Don't misunderstand me, I'm glad they got it together, but it smacks of CYA and that bothers me. It's like the response to Rita will nullify the lack of response to Katrina. Nice try asshat.Somehow I don't think all those "negros" from NOLA will be overwhelmed by anything you do. Now and forever.
Bush is trying in vain to bolster his ever sinking poll ratings ( but they don't care about polls...right? Right. ) by making these really lame comparisons to hurricanes and terrorism. So far, it doesn't seem to be working, and that's a good thing.
Rita has kicked the top off an ant hill, and the ants are headed this way...lets just hope they don't bring disaster with them.
We'll keep you posted.

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