Saturday, May 02, 2009

Squash sprouts and my house is a cave
The yellow squash seeds have sprouted. Nothing yet from the bush squash seeds, but they have a longer germination time so I'll give them another week before I declare them dead. I looked at insecticidal soap at the grocery store today and damn, was it ever expensive. That purchase will have to wait a while, but I probably don't need it just yet since there's not much leaf space on brand new sprouts for bug eggs. Blue Witch left a good suggestion in the comments about seeding some spare plants in pots and keeping them inside, but as I looked around, I realized we don't have a single window that provides much outdoor light. The inside of our house is rather cave-like. I didn't like that at first when I moved in 15 years ago, but I've grown used to it now. Besides, we both work during the day so there's not many daylight hours in a week that we would spend indoors and we tend to spend free time on the weekends and evenings outside on our front porch where there is more sunlight than you could get in anything but a glass house. The one time that I really want/need sunlight is when I first get up in the morning, but I have to get up way before the sun does so I had extra lighting put in when we remodeled to address that issue. That lighting is more than enough to grow extra squash plants, but I definitely don't want to pay to leave all those lights on all day while I'm at work. I think I'll stick with the "many mounds" idea for now.

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