Tuesday, May 15, 2007

30 YEARS IN...
So we got this reunion coming up and Sunday I spent the afternoon with a guy I haven't seen in a long time from those wild and wooly days.This past weekend was a revelation for me in a lot of ways really...Saturday I went out to puhflugerville to play guitars with my buddy jon who moved out to that wasteland of yuppies and uppity negros a couple of weeks ago and is miserable about it.It was fun,and I played the best blues guitar I've played in a long time.I'm not a skilled musician,I taught myself.I don't read music,hell...I can barely read tab,but I have the feel and our music reflects that as the other members of the wolves have that feel as well,with Annabelle being the musical brains of the band,as it were.
I had a very good time visiting with Jon and Sandy and the doggies and playing back and forth.Until I left at about a quarter to midnight.I went left when I should of went right and ended up in fucking Elgin.Basically the opposite direction I should have been going in...but it was dark and the landscape has changed out there,ummm,north of the river.It's important to note that I have always lived south of the river and have disdained north of the river always,forsaking that disdain beyond 42nd and guadalupe because that's where my tat shop was only farter(farter!that's fucking funny!!!I meant FARTHER) north to Hines Pool and Spa because they paid my bills for 7 years,and oh yeah...FUCK Andy Hines and the horse he rode in on.
So my 15 minute ride home turned into an hour and a half,plus I was horking up a "shepards salad" with the worst heartburn I've had in years.There are bits of onion and cucumber all over the dash of my rodeo.I finally reconnected with my bearings at a quikstop in Elgin,got some gas and some alka-seltzer and made it home.
So...Sunday I go to Brian's house,guitars still in the truck.We hung out,had some beers (I haven't had a beer in months)and caught up.We even had a conference call with our friend Rick who lives in another state.I have pictures of the 3 of us playing together on my back porch when we were 15,16 years old.
Time really is an evil mistress...we are all grey wolves.
And hanging out with Brian drove that home.Nothing has changed much really,he is still the kid I knew back in the day...but we are older now,and somehow wiser,yet we retain the spirit of our younger days.
And that's a very good thing.
And as my dear friend and monster drummer Bill would say "anyway...Blah blah blah".

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