Thursday, January 31, 2008

Odds and Ends
I was off work today, but got up early which was not surprising considering I went to sleep at about 8 PM the night before. I hooked up the laptop to the stereo, cranked up Pandora to provide some tunes and discovered our 1/4" phono to RCA cable was only giving me one channel. Ah well, one channel is better than none, but I think a trip to Radio Shack is in our future. That's assuming Radio Shack even carries the cables and I'm not so sure that's a common enough application for them to carry it.

I'm still battling Cedar Fever, but managed to pull off a few loads of laundry and even touched the long-abandoned Club Spit website. Didn't get very far on updating the website, just did a quick revision to the index page, but will eventually add some of the more recent info to the site which hasn't been updated since 2002 despite our drummer Bill's protests. I'm pretty much out of space there so any sort of revision will involve deciding what to keep and what to toss to make room for new material, a task I haven't wanted to mess with for the last five years or so. But my recent cavalcade of memories got me to thinking about the old website again so I figured I'd touch it up a little bit at a time. And well, we could use a little of that old Club Spit spirit around here these days.

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