Wednesday, February 08, 2006


A french newspaper prints the mohammed cartoons, making some statement about freedom of the press I suppose, but I suspect riding the coattails of scandal and the wave of attention has more than something to do with it...much to the displeasure of the muslim/french. I predict more rioting.
Condoleeza Rice ( is nice, but I prefer a-roni *) points a boney, blaming finger at Syria and Iran, saying flat out that they are fanning the flames of violence for" their own purposes". Whatever that means. While Iran has not responded to Aunt Jemima, Syria has:
Syria's ambassador to the United States, Imad Moustapha, denied Rice's accusation and tried to turn the blame for the violence on Israeli and U.S. policy decisions unrelated to the cartoon row.
"We in Syria believe anti-Western sentiments are being fueled by two major things: the situation in Iraq and the situation in the occupied territories, the West Bank and Gaza," Moustapha said.
He added, "We believe that if somebody would tell Secretary Rice that Syria is not the party that occupies Iraq and is not the party that occupies the West Bank and Gaza, then probably she would know it is not Syria who is actually fueling anti-Western sentiments."

Right on Moustapha! Call it like you see it...even though you're probably lying through your hookah stained teeth. Which is not to say that you aren't right about the source of the problem, I see taht fan Moustapha, and your fanning with it.
And then there's Bush...urging governments to "quell the violence" while he continues to ride herd over the massacres in Iraq and Afghanistan and asking for another gazzillion dollars to fight the war on terror. What a hypocrite. This is almost as ridiculous as that whole Terry Shiavo thing, only deadly...embassys fire bombed, people killed, with our "government" calling out two countries that could make our lives even more miserable in Iraq.
And all of this because some people drew some pictures of mohammed in a less than shining light. Paper and ink...and ideas.
When I was manager of the emergency shelter I recall hearing a voc/ed counselor say to troublesome clients on more than one occasion " you're an embarrassment to your race". To those rioting and killing because of some percieved injustice to mohammed and islam I say: "You're an embarrassment to islam".
It's a cartoon idiots!
Just for's the Merriam-Webster definition of cartoon:
Main Entry: car toon
Pronunciation: kär-'tün
Function: noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Italian cartone pasteboard, cartoon, augmentative of carta leaf of paper -- more at CARD
1 : a preparatory design, drawing, or painting (as for a fresco)
2 a : a drawing intended as satire, caricature, or humor ....
I guess they can't take a joke...Pity.
*Clutch lyrics

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