Saturday, January 07, 2006


Yep...that's me...a relic of a time gone by. I made it. To middle age. So far it has sucked a major dick. I don't have the money to buy a flashy sports car and I'm not inclined to strike up a fling with one of my coworkers ( considering they are all crusty ass guys like me) to shake things up. So, here I sit, 46 years old with a volume of stories about how it was back in the day (see Uriah Heep link from yesterday) when hippies ruled the day and everything was groovy.
So how do you go comfortably into obscurity after all that ? I don't mean for Uriah to be the be all - end all of a generation, but they were a big part of my life back then, and the other bands of the day, and the social political climate of the times effected me to no end. But that's's gone, only to be held in memory.
When does it stop? When do we as a collective say "ok, that's far enough, we've reached a balance".
But evolution won't let us stop the ride, it allows us to look back and remember what we had that was replaced by something else in a constant push forward. I'm tired of the push...and that's what makes me a dinosaur.
I must be an elephant...the memories tell me so. And...blah blah blah.

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