Thursday, June 17, 2004

It's been a few days. I should post something. Got lots of ideas, plenty of thoughts, just not enough energy to type coherent sentences. Oh yeah, I was going to do ala Rob stream of consciousness sutff. So let's see, what did I do today? I took down the blackboard at work. This is something that was nailed by what seemed like hundreds of nails to the door in the kitchen. One of the crazy dogs we had for daycare one time pulled the bottom part away from the door and chewed it up a bit which caused it to mess with my toes everytime I opened the door. This morning I decided enough was enough and I had time to pull the thing down between office lessons - no boss, no clients, just peace and quiet in between phone calls. Unfortunately the blackboard was behind the trim that held this little peep window in place on the door. The peep window comes in handy since we put our hard core aggression cases in this room so I didn't want to mess with that window. I didn't know exactly what the backing of this blackboard stuff was made of, but I discovered I could cut it with a carpet knife provided I put enough effort into the endeavor. Many, many cuts around the peep window and a few sore bicep muscles later, it was detached from the door and I folded it up into a nice bundle in the middle of the floor. That's when I discovered it weighed a ton. I knew it was heavy when I was taking it down, but once it was in a neat folded up bundle on the floor, there was no way I could pick it up off the floor and cart it out to the trash can. Apparently the backing was lead. Fortunately, a co-worker happened by in the afternoon and helped me get it outside and I can only hope that the garbage truck that comes by tomorrow morning is one of those with the mechanical arms that picks up the can rather than humans. Speaking of sore biceps, after I took the blackboard down I went to Kinkos to pick up some printing we had done - a big full box of stuff and did anyone offer to help me out to the car with it? Hell no. At least the stop at Bark-N-Purr for the 30 pound bag of dog food garnered an offer of assistance, but at this point 30 pounds was nothing to cart out to the car. Still, I appreciate the offer. One reason my business has shifted from the Tomlinson's on Ben White to the Bark-N-Purr on Burnet. I don't know what happened at the Ben White Tomlinson's but the last two times I was there the customer service absolutely sucked; a big switch from my previous experiences. I'm funny about customer service; I'll happily pay more for an item if you smile at me when I check out, offer to help me out with a heavy load and extra kudos is you bother to remember my name or that I come in three times a week. And when it come to chain stores, if I had an alternative to Target for some of the things that I buy, you can bet I'd be THERE and gladly paying a higher price than dealing with surly check out clerks. Sigh.

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