Wednesday, June 02, 2004


Turns out to be not so shame filled after all. It kind of goes like this:
7th grade- become a pot head, no longer give a shit about grades.
8th grade- excel at being a pot head, still don't care about grades.
9th grade- begin to get a clue about the importance of grades, but still a smoke stack.
10th grade- No more smoking at school- well, only at lunch... grades improve.
11th grade- No more smoking at school, involvement in extra-curricular activities.
12th grade- dedicated enough to graduate 12 weeks early with a B average.
To be able to look at this document colors the past in a different patina than the one I previously had accepted...I wasn't so fucking bad after all, I mean I was "fucking bad", but in a good way, kinda like shaft. :)
Seems my old boss is keeping tabs on me. I ran into an old customer of mine at the 7-11 last week who asked if Hines had me out in the field. I told him no, I was an electricians apprentice now and no longer working at Hines, that it was time for me to move on and I did. He asked who he would be dealing with from now on and I told him about the guy who took my place, describing him as a nice guy who would take care of him.
He apparently shared this info with my old boss, who shared it with one of my friends, who was having beers with my old boss. He was vague with him fearing it could mess with my unemployment. I appreciate that, but the fact is I can draw unemployment when I'm not on a call, short or otherwise. It's out of his sweaty little hands, like it or not.
But more importantly...Why is he asking about me??? Guilt? looking to fuck me some more?
Hey's NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS what I'm doing. I'm moving on, that's what the fuck I'm doing. Watch your back though... oh, and one more thing- FUCK you, you sawed off piece of shit.
That felt really good...not as good as dropping him like 3rd period french, but close.
The karma watch continues...

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