Wednesday, March 30, 2005


So, I've shared the virtues of the other dogs in the house this week. It only seems fair that I ramble on about Irene. The smallest of the three, clocking in at about 40 lb., but large in character and personality. And definitely her dads dog. After a long day of being in the house, you'd think any dog would make a beeline for the yard I mean toilet. Not Irene. No sir. She has to see her dad (that would be me) first. You already know about her shishkeebob front legs, but beyond that superdog power, she also smiles. Now I realize it's probably just a canine impulse, but when I come home and see her smiling at me, I melt. At night, she curls up into a ball between us, and if she has to be moved, she retains this posture. A little black ball of love. I think she has some nine banded armadillo in her.
On a related note, King Theo got a hold of a microwavable bowl last night and today tried to trade the same bowl for a treat three times with Ann during the day, and tried it with me shortly after I got home. He's consistent, that one

But enough about our silly dogs.

I saw on the news that the pope now has a feeding tube installed! Damn the luck! I can see Terri schiavos parents flanked by jesse jackson ( on second thought, not worthy of caps) in front of some federal judge arguing that if the pope (obviously catholic) can have a feeding tube, why can't ( allegedly catholic, according to the parents) our daughter?
Her husband has announced through his attorney that he will allow an autopsy after her death to prove that her brain was produce. Prior to the cremation, which the parents disagree with, they want the worms to reclaim her in a roman catholic funeral.
It has been 12 days and she is still alive.Was it the single drop of wine she got on her tongue at easter? Is she alive after 12 days because she's tough, or does GOD have a surprise waiting in the wings? Will she suddenly wake up with the devine answer to the eating disorder dilemma?
Is this TV's survivor come sickeningly to life?
Looks that way to me.
God needs to shit or get off the pot. Now that's a season finale, huh?

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