Wednesday, December 29, 2004


As 2005 looms around the corner, I am reflecting...well, not really because I am not a mirror or a shiny piece of's more of a figurative reflection...on my life and times.
Mostly, I have been saying to myself, "man that was a long time ago" and sighing.

My first ex...I got married for the first time in 1977, 21 days after my 18th birthday, if I had somehow managed to stay in that relationship, we would have celebrated 27 years of marriage on the 21st of december.

My second ex...I got married for the second time in 1983, If she had not lost her fucking mind after our son was born and drove a wedge into everything, we would be heading into our 23rd anniversary.
Out of fairness, I have to include my prediliction for substance abuse over intervention and my wandering eye to the dissolution of this union, but mostly she went crazy and refused to do anything about it.

Speaking of my wandering eye...I spent 8 years with a woman, who, had we gotten married, would be celebrating 16 years in a shallow grave and I would be on death row in huntsville. Thank god for small favors. She is still alive and driving someone else batshit crazy, and I found Ann, and a measure of maturity.

Speaking of Ann...We are in our 11th year,broke ass poor, but happy.

And happy is what really matters. There are more events that define my life, but the chain of relationships is the easiest to track (or the hardest...depending on how you look at it). But the point is...the point is...hell, there is no point really, beyond lots of shit happens in 27 years and when you look back at it your shoulders slump from the weight.
And they call it osteoporisis. :)

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