Sunday, February 27, 2005

Schedule strategies
I've had my eye on some of the more, um, well-adjusted staff at the place where I work hoping to glean some insights into that "zen-like nature" they seem to have achieved after working there a year or so. One of the interesting trends is that they all have an unconventional schedule. Some work a steady two days on, one day off, three days on, one day off; some work four ten hour days with three days off; some work a rotating four days on, two days off; some work a rotating two days on, one day off. No one on a day shift ever seems to work five days in a row and having done that myself a few times, I'm not sure it's actually possible to do that on a regular basis and stay sane. So I have decided to experiment and have scheduled myself a week of four ten hour days with a three day weekend. I'm sure this is a big mistake, but I'll try it at least once. Then I've switched to the more popular two on, one off, three on, one off schedule for a couple of weeks to see how that goes. From there I may try the rotating shift ideas. Fuck, why not? This is probably the only job I'll ever have where I have the opportunity to experiment with alternative work schedules. Might as well take advantage of it.

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