Thursday, February 26, 2004

At her request, I sent lyrics to a song I had written with my band to K. I have never had much luck sitting down and writing a song, the way we do it is like this: we jam up a song and I just spit out whatever comes out of my mind at the time regulated by the substances I've consumed at any given practice...predominantly alcohol. Our songs, lyrically anyway are in some way autobiographical or based on my experiences in life as a social worker. Mostly they are just ugly.
My main musical roots are in the blues,so the majority of my spitting out the lyrics involves relationships failed, specifically, mine.
We tape everything, we have MILES of DAT tape from 1994 to present, well, 2002 on a regular basis, we have been on semi-hiatus-retirement for, well... too fucking long.
Anyway, I play back these tapes and clean up the lyrics as needed. This particular song needed no editing's possibly our proudest moment. It's our set closer. People listen to the words and make the funniest faces. I love doing this song live, just for the freak out factor alone, not to mention it allows me to pretend I'm Neil Young on lead guitar.
Lyrics are very personal to me unless I'm screaming them to an audience with the express intent of fucking with their heads. To send them in written form to K freaks me out a bit...go figure.
Bless you!
I'm not so vulnerable now.
Watch your mailbox:)

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